Legal Disclosure

General Information

The present web site, that you can access through the principal address, is entilied from Global Software Partner, S.L., with NIF B55028096 and with a head office in 42, Joaquim Vayreda Street, 17001 – Girona (Spain).

Its use and all uses of the web sites that allows to access directly in some seccions or web pages belonged at the site remained to regulate for the General Conditions, that we present next:

Acceptance of the present conditions

The present Use General Conditions in this web site, that have the contractual nature, are obligated to read by the users. Therefore, the use of some of services at the disposal of the users in this web site could be subdue a particular conditions, warnings and instrucitions that have been also consulted and acceptes without reservation for that.


Starting from the present web site it is facilited for the access of the user and the use of diferent services and contents put at the disposal of Global Software Partner, S.L. or third persons.

The present site has as an object to lend commecial information service, it could complate the commercial activity, inclusion through the contraction from electronic way, over products or services including in the present web site and any another links to the same.

All products and services content in this site are lend to approval with the rules and reegulations in force.

Access and use of web site

The use of web site of Global Software Partner, S.L. has a free character. In case that it will appear services which its use is conditioned to the payment of a price, the user will be appropriate and owing unnoticed. In a general character, the access and the use of this web site don’t requiere a previous inscription or registre of the user. Therefore, and with an exceptional character, the specific serveices could be to subordinate the user login in the data bases of Global Software Partner, S.L.

In this cases:

  • The user compromises to use its access keys (user name and password). Global Software Partner, S.L compromises to carry out with the secret obligation regarding the password that the user uses.

  • The user guarantees the truthfulness and autenticity of the informations and dates that it comunicates. In this sense, it will be obligated for the user to keep update the information in a way that corresponds to the reality in each moment.

  • Global Software Partner, S.L. will give to this facts the automated treatment that corresponds the function of its nature or intention, in the conditions and terms indicated in data protection in a personal character.

  • The user assumes the obligation to efectuated the correct use of the services and contents that makes up the present web site with the acceptation in the General Conditions in force, laws, morality and the good hàbits generally accepted, as well as the public order.

  • In only way to indicative title and no exhaustive, the users are comprometed to no pick up the facts and contents with an advertising aim, as well as don’t transmit or diffuse through this web site messages, images, photografies, software, facts or contents that contravene the legal order, public order, false information, they are protected or content some virus.

  • Global Software Partner, S.L. reserved the unilateral right to reject the access in this web site all the users that don’t carry out the Use General Conditions in force, and without the needy of previous notice or justification.

Industrial and intellectual property rights

  • Industrial Property Rights – The distinctive signs (graphic and word) that appear on this website, among which the graphic-word mark GSP stands out, are the exclusive property of Global Software Partner S.L.

    The eventual presence on this site of distinctive signs of ownership other than that outlined in the preceding paragraph is carried out with the authorization of their legitimate owners, always with due respect for their exclusive rights.

  • Domain names – In the same sense as that referred to in the preceding section, the domain name and all those that serve to directly or indirectly access this site are the exclusive property of Global Software Partner S.L.

    The improper use of them would imply an infringement of the rights conferred by their registration and will be prosecuted by the means provided by the Law.

  • Copyright – The contents, texts, photographs, designs, logos, images, sounds, videos, animations, recordings, computer programs, source codes and, in general, any existing intellectual creation on this site, as well as the site itself on as a whole as a work, they are protected as copyright by current legislation on intellectual property.

    In accordance with the above, they correspond to Global Software Partner S.L. the exclusive rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, as well as any other right of a patrimonial nature, over the elements indicated in the preceding paragraph; and all this without prejudice to the moral rights that on the authorship correspond to their authors.

    Those files or computer programs not owned by Global Software Partner S.L. are exempt from this protection. and free access (freeware) that, where appropriate, the user could find and download from various pages of this site in order to enable access to them and the services offered. In any case, these are applications that are in the public domain by express will of their authors.

  • Personal use – The user is expressly authorized by Global Software Partner S.L. to view, print, copy or store the protected intellectual creations and any other content or asset covered or not by an exclusive right on their hard drive or on another physical medium, provided that this is done for the user’s personal and private purposes, without commercial or distribution purpose, and without modifying, altering or separating the aforementioned contents. This power of personal use is understood to be recognized as long as the warnings to copyright and industrial property rights made here are respected intact, and does not imply the granting of any license to the user.

    Likewise, the user is expressly authorized to download from this website the computer programs owned by Global Software Partner SL, provided that this is done in order to enable access to the services offered on this website and for private and personal purposes. of the user, without commercial or distribution purpose, and without modifying, altering or separating the contents, nor translating the version of the original object code or its language to another code or language.

    Any other use of the intellectual creations or contents of this site will require the express written authorization of Global Software Partner S.L.

  • Reservation of shares – The use of the contents or services of this website does not imply or imply the granting of licenses or authorization of use of any kind on its intellectual or industrial property rights or on any other right.

    The user undertakes to respect the advertised rights and to avoid any action that could harm them, reserving in any case Global Software Partner S.L. the exercise of whatever legal means and actions correspond to it in defense of its legitimate intellectual and industrial property rights.

Links to other websites

On the website of Global Software Partner S.L. the user will be able to find various links that will lead him to other websites independent of this one. Its sole purpose is to facilitate access to other sources of information on the Internet related to the services offered or of a general nature.

Global Software Partner S.L. undertakes to do everything possible to prevent the existence on its website of links to sites with illegal content, which promote illegal activities that may violate the principles of freedom and human dignity or violate the values ​​and rights recognized by the Spanish Constitution and by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the event that you have effective knowledge that the information to which any link refers is illegal, Global Software Partner S.L. undertakes to act with due diligence to remove said link.

Discussion forums and newsletters

Global Software Partner S.L. It is not responsible for the statements or opinions that may be expressed in the different permanent forums, in the newsletters, in the occasional chats or gatherings that, where appropriate, will take place within this website. But it will ensure at all times the correct use of these mechanisms or services, and will ensure maximum respect for the dignity of people and freedom of expression, reserving in any case the right to deny, eliminate the interventions of illegal content or that it considers inconveniences without the need for any justification or explanation, as long as you have effective knowledge of them.

The users of these services will avoid any type of false, abusive, obscene, threatening manifestation or that infringes in any way the current legislation, and will show respectful treatment towards third parties, intervening or not in forums or social gatherings.

Liability extension

  • Privacy: Global Software Partner S.L. does not guarantee absolute privacy in the use of this site, in terms of its publicly accessible content, as the possibility that unauthorized third parties may have knowledge of it and the circumstances in which it is carried out should not be ruled out.

  • Virus: Global Software Partner S.L. does not accept any responsibility for possible damages caused by computer viruses, the absence of which is not guaranteed.

  • Technical dysfunctions: Global Software Partner S.L. is exempt from any responsibility derived from the malfunction of the site or any of its services that has its origin in an accidental circumstance, force majeure, necessary maintenance work or any other cause not attributable to it.

Termination and modification

In principle, the duration of this site is indeterminate. Global Software Partner S.L. reserves the right to modify, suspend or terminate the provision of its services or content, in whole or in part, at any time, and without the need for prior notice to the users thereof.

Likewise, the information, presentation and services offered by this site may be subject to periodic or occasional changes, which can be freely made by Global Software Partner S.L. without being obliged to communicate it to users.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These General Conditions will be governed by Spanish Law.

For any controversy that may arise in relation to the website of Global Software Partner SL, interpretation or application of these General Conditions, Spanish law will be applicable, the competent bodies for the resolution of any dispute being the Courts and Tribunals of the city from Girona, Spain.